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Women make up half the world and yet they still have to struggle to thrive in an environment that is sometimes too male-dominated. In the US, according to Forbes, only 3% of women have access to venture capital funding. According to CNBC men in remote work were promoted three times more than women with children in 2020.

Women have made important progress in leadership roles. But their need to combine work and family life continues to take its toll. Hence they are on average 10% more prone to burnout than men. This figure in the Netherlands should correspond to approximately 800.000 women suffering from this condition in some way. In Belgium the number of women suffering from work-related stress has grown by 40% over the last 4 years.

And yet women have unique qualities for performing any professional activity: they are more organised and methodical, better at multitasking, they can interpret verbal and non-verbal communication more easily. A study conducted by Gallup has shown that women (due to their greater communication skills and emotional intelligence) do much better than men at promoting engagement in the workplace.

Women can bring to any business an important insight on consumers representing a huge share of the buying power. Diversity has been shown to foster creativity and innovation. A diverse and inclusive work environment contributes to increasing the chances of success of any endeavour.

The question is why in some fields of business and politics women still do not have access to the same resources and power as men. To address this issue, we have adapted our Executive Training programme Creating Fluidity to the specific challenges of women. Among the general subjects we also include these topics:

  • Too much on the plate: work-life blend
  • Countering unconscious bias
  • Increase confidence and visibility
  • Belonging at the table
  • The power of soft leadership
  • Preventing stress and burn-out

The Facilitators

This is the team in charge of developing the content of this programme. Noor (Netherlands) and Eleanor (Belgium) are the coordinators and will be your interlocutors for the customisation of the modules, delivery format and workload definition. Press the button below for any question you may have.

De manier waarop we werken


Delivery format

The way we deliver our programmes is tailored to each client’s request: individually, for a specific team or for those responsible for the organisation, covering different areas. A mixed scheme is also possible, where part is group-centred and part person-centred. The contents are adjusted accordingly.

Over LfA

We are committed to ensuring that our assessment, training and consultancy services have a tangible and lasting effect on the transformation of people and organisations. We put the real-life interaction between these two parties at the centre of our work.

Acquiring new concepts and ideas or understanding personal context is only the beginning of the journey. The most important thing is that this first step can lead to an effective action for change, both individually and in the group. At the end of the whole process, automatisms should be created so that each individual is able to lead others, or at least bring into play a positive influence for their team.

Normal Dist

Onze methode richt zich op het meest kritische en energieverslindende deel: het geleerde op een systematische manier toepassen in de dagelijkse realiteit, waarbij een terugkeer naar oude praktijken wordt vermeden. Ons doel is om de prestaties en niveaus van prestatie en tevredenheid van elk individu te verbeteren.

If people are not able to properly use on the shop floor or in the office the tools and procedures to effectively perform their role, they will not be able to avoid burnout and loss of focus. Everything they have learned will have been useless.

The three-step approach

In the most critical phase of Execution, together with the client’s team, we define goals to be achieved and monitor their execution. In case of deviations, we suggest corrective measures. Therefore, after the advisory and training phase, we do not leave our clients to their own devices: we try to support their progress and help them to establish the necessary procedures to evaluate their performance in an informed and critical manner.

Our commitment on achieving practical results from our work is reflected in this service that we provide free of charge to our business clients: a 6-month period in which we help them define and monitor their OKR*.

  • This offer is only available in selected programmes. Contact us for more information.

Onderwerpen overzicht

1 Emotions at the core. Becoming emotionally fit to deal with challenges and setbacks. Upgrading your soft skills. Resilience build up.

2 Forward thinking and action. Creating a vision and goals that can be understood by your team or audience. How to develop a more creative and original attitude. How to consistently take the steps from thinking to doing.

3 Effective communication. Tackling the imposter syndrome. Building self-confidence. Think clearly to communicate clearly. Improving active listening skills. How to develop a persuasive communication.

4 Team building. . Providing extra motivation and engagement to people working together with you. Tools to foster team’s effectiveness and autonomy. How to implement a culture of permanent improvement and simplification of the decision-making process.

5 Leadership. The path to a position of power. The 11 Cs that establish a soft leadership approach – character, charisma, conscience, conviction, courage, communication, compassion, commitment, consistency, consideration, and contribution. The importance of inspiring over ruling.

6 Networking. A grid in the dual role of information source and growth of influence and reach. Techniques and tools to strengthen connections. Strategies to overcome barriers to entry. Pitching strategies. Mistakes to avoid. pitching. Les erreurs à éviter.

7 Dealing with uncertainty. How not to fear the unexpected. Building cognitive flexibility. Tools to increase responsiveness to change, both personally and in the organisation.

8 Unburning out. Work-life blend whilst giving room for both to breathe. Workplace stressors: what can be done. Stop fighting what you can’t win. Decluttering. The power of the group. Keeping up with your passions.


  • Women in need of boosting their careers
  • Women seeking to be more influential in business
  • Women who want to move up in politics
  • Women in leading roles in Public Administration
  • Women affected by burnout
  • Women (re)entering a professional activity

The process*

  • The above outline refers to the extended version of the programme. It does not apply to the compact version, if available.