Programma voor leiderschap

5 vaardigheden om te beheersen


The topic of how to exercise leadership the right way, being it in projects or teams, is one of the hottest today and one of the most explored by coaches in hundreds of seminars. Unfortunately, most of these coaches don’t have the slightest idea what they are talking about.

Certainly, leadership needs motivation and self-confidence, but that is only part of the whole process. The misconceptions in addressing this subject are primarily the result of those who talk about it never really having had in that role, ignoring the challenges it entails.

Growth stages

A precondition for the success of any leadership is to commit to a strategy for transformation and growth. People need to see that the organisation has a clear purpose that everyone understands and is willing to follow. No leadership can thrive in an organisation without a future. For this reason, in our Leadership programme, we start by addressing the behavioural aspects, the strategies and the tools needed for the Executive to lead his team in a volatile but also plenty of opportunities future.

The topic of how to exercise leadership the right way, being it in projects or teams, is one of the hottest today and one of the most explored by coaches in hundreds of seminars. Unfortunately, most of these coaches don’t have the slightest idea what they are talking about.

Certainly, leadership needs motivation and self-confidence, but that is only part of the whole process. The misconceptions in addressing this subject are primarily the result of those who talk about it never really having had in that role, ignoring the challenges it entails.

Growth stages

A precondition for the success of any leadership is to commit to a strategy for transformation and growth. People need to see that the organisation has a clear purpose that everyone understands and is willing to follow. No leadership can thrive in an organisation without a future. For this reason, in our Leadership programme, we start by addressing the behavioural aspects, the strategies and the tools needed for the manager to lead his team in a volatile but also plenty of opportunities future.

The modules

Leadership Program

In addition to the first module, focused on the continuous growth of the organisation, the others cover the following areas:

Team building and fostering autonomy

Effective communication (includes 2 submodules: group dynamics and meetings guidance)

Information share and management (includes a submodule on ERP systems)

Goals set-up, moving planning strategies, assessment and accountability.

Our method: LfA

We are engaged to ensuring that our training and coaching activities have a tangible and lasting effect on the transformation of individuals and organisations. This is only possible because we consider the interaction between these two parties to be of utmost importance.

On the other hand we totally discard the idea that a pep talk about achievement and hope can lead anywhere. The graveyard is full of dreamers. We focus on the day-to-day tools to move forward, accomplish, evaluate and measure results.

Acquiring new concepts and ideas or understanding the personal context is only the beginning of the journey. The important thing is that this first step leads to concrete action for change, whether in personal or professional life. In the end, an effective transformation process must create the necessary automatisms so that each individual is able to lead others, or at least exert a positive influence on his team.

Our approach focuses on the most critical and energy-consuming part: doing – applying what has been learned to everyday reality in a systematic way, avoiding going back to old practices. Our goal is to turn everyone into a “doer”.

If people can’t resort to these tools, methods and strategies to prevent burnout and loss of focus, they will most likely never succeed in leaving the starting point.

The three-step approach

Achievement process

The individual reaches a final stage after having incorporated the knowledge and practices he requires to serve as an example or to lead the transformation process in others. During the implementation phase, the individual learns from his mistakes and not to be afraid of failure. Another important skill in this phase is to be able to communicate effectively within the team.

Now, he himself can be a source of knowledge and transformation for others. This is the final stage of the process. The individual is now ready to be autonomous and start new learning cycles, while avoiding being trapped in the Dunning-Kruger paradox. The course of transformation and growth will be permanent and not so much a job. Instead, it will be a spontaneous drive and a pleasure.

Our commitment to helping our clients get tangible results from our work is reflected in the service we provide them free of charge: a 6-month period during which we help them define and monitor their OKRs*.

  • Only available for groups of 5 or more people from the same organisation.

The options



3 days, 2 hours a day. The topics of version 2 in a condensed way. It can be used as an introduction to the longer option.




12 hours, 2 hours a day. The full package provided with greater detail and including case studies discussion.


These prices apply to online training and do not include taxes. There are special conditions for groups of four or more people. An on-site version is also available for the extended programme, containing a pre-diagnosis and, at the end of the training, a follow-up with OKR target setting. Press here to request a contact. Press here to request a contact.

The options

1. Compact


3 day, 2 hours a day. The topics of version 2 in a condensed way. It can be used as an introduction to the longer option.

2. Extended


12 hours, 2 hours a day. The full package provided with greater detail and including an extra module of one-on- one coaching.

These prices apply to online training and do not include taxes. There are special conditions for groups of four or more people. An on-site version is also available for the extended programme, containing a pre-diagnosis and, at the end of the training, a follow-up with OKR target setting. Press here to request a contact. Press here to request a contact.

What you will get

– Only available in the extended programme
If you have any further question, check the Q&A section at the bottom of this page.

The Team*

Mitch Lemos


Mitch has been responsible for the development of investments worth more than 50 million euros in diversified business areas. He has a long experience in coordinating teams in very challenging projects. Mitch holds an executive master’s degree in Business Administration and a BSc in Industrial Management.

Tessa De Buysere


Tessa graduated from Solvay Business School in Brussels. She worked for over 25 years as a Human Resources Manager and business coach. Tessa uses her strong analytical skills to work with managers to find effective solutions to their organisational and leadership challenges, and develop their critical thinking.

Julie Teodoro


Julie graduated from the Paris Descartes University. Passionate about the human being combining her competences both in Coaching and Psychology. Julie develops group dynamics under the prism of integration of rationalism and intuition, pragmatism and emotion, knowledge and self-knowledge.

* Subject to change


The training will start on 25 October (short version) and 26 October (long version). The programme is offered in two options: one starting at 9 am and the other at 6 pm (UTC+1). For groups of 10 people or more, a custom schedule can be arranged. The programme will be held in English.

Note – Be punctual. No further entries will be accepted into the room after 10 minutes of the set start time and no refund will be given.


Compact programme


Extended programme


Extended programme in two instalments


Groups of four or more people

These prices only apply to group training held online.

Questions & Answers

How it works

The training sessions take place entirely online via Zoom. Only registered participants are admitted to the room. The times are as shown above. The number of participants per session is limited to 14.

The training is given in English and does not require any particular previous training.

A certificate of attendance will be issued to all participants who complete the course.


Payments are made according to the options described in the table above. They are available by credit card or bank transfer. Card payments are executed over a secure SSL encrypted connection and no recording of your card details is made by us.

Attendees who are already registered on the site have a discount on the price (last but one line of the table). This discount is only valid for one-off payments.

Prices are exclusive of VAT (where applicable). If you need an invoice with a tax identification number, please fill in the form that will show up after your registration with your invoicing details.

Deadlines and cancellation

The registration deadline is the week before the course starts. Cancellations must be made in writing through our contact form. For a cancellation more than four weeks before the event, a processing fee of 50.00 € plus VAT is due immediately. The remaining conference cost after deduction of the processing fee will be refunded. For a cancellation less than four weeks before the event, 50% of the price plus the processing fee have to be paid. In case of a no show or cancellation within a period of one week before the event, the full pay for the event plus VAT is due and payable. We accept substitute attendees at no additional cost replacing the originally registered participant.

If the event has to be cancelled for reasons beyond the participant’s control, he/she will be refunded in proportion to the sessions not made available.

Copyright notice

The documentation distributed and any recording during the event are protected by copyright laws. Copying, dissemination or sharing of documentation or any other data released – including extracts – is not permitted, unless expressly authorized. All documents distributed will be personalised with the name of the attendee.


The event is carefully prepared and performed by qualified professionals using the best of their knowledge. We don’t accept any liability for the accuracy, effectiveness and rigor of the contents or opinions transmitted or any distributed material, provided that there is no gross negligence.


Participants’ data is not shared with third parties and will be used solely as set out in our Privacy Policy. Detailed information on this, our Terms and Conditions and Disclaimer can be checked at the bottom of the homepage. If you have any questions regarding this, please do not hesitate to contact us using the form available here.